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i dunno what to do.. it's my 18 in august! and i want to do something rememerable. and different to what everyone else has done? what can you do for a birthday?
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MAKE ME LAUGH! know any good ones?
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okay, I heard that people who star in horror films usually weird, creepy stuff happen to them after making the movie...? Like their jynxed or something. I also heard that the girl who stared in the...
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even though we aint had much of a summer my skin has become very greasy and sufferin from the dreaded Blackheads! Has anyone any good advice on how to get rid, im usin clean & clear blackhead...
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charleyy !
wasn't really sure where to post this but i suppose here will do.. it's my 16th birthday soon and i want to have a really unusual party but have no idea what i can do. there'll be about 10-15 people...
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ive just been chilling today. thinking. now women are lovely. beautiful creatures indeed. created to keep man company. do his bidding , cleaning , cooking , etc. but over the last century theyve...
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We're off on holiday in a couple of weeks - any suggestions for the perfect tan - can u name a sun cream/oil that will b best suited. nice and golden brown - without burning. cheers
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Scenes that give you goosebumps or fill you with emotion or scare the crap out of you, as many as you like? Off the top of my head mine would be the part in Sum of all Fears when Jack Ryan calls...
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I haven't long came back from holiday, And decided I really want to be an entertainment rep. but I have to wait another 2 years cause im still in school, so, I decided in the next 2 years I'm going to...
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Katie Price and Peter Andre have named their daughter Princess Tiaamii. Opinions ??????????
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help i'm 6ft 4" tall and really skinny i just cant put on any weight i lift weights and play football and cycle alot but nothing works can anyone out there give me any ideas on how to rectify...
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I recently came home from Mallorca. And still have all of the songs stuck in my head. I don't know the names of them. And We didn't buy the CD as we were leaving on a saturday, which is the reps day...
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ive got a problem i need some advice on this, my boyfriend has 2 kids to some1 else who we aint seen now for 2 years we stopped seeing them coz there mam is a nasty piece of work she accused a member...

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