42ac White marking on the lower half of an equine mammal's leg roughly covering the pastern, fetlock and the cannon bone area (4) S?C? SOCK ? 23ac The title given to the winner of a prize for Welsh...
1d Swarm to gather up (4) T - E -. 14a One tackling filth is inclined to enter Church, right? C - E - N - E -. 7d Clergyman brings in a pile (7) R - A - T - -
19 across (8). ___H___T. Orbit-hip new bar. 21 across (5-3-5) ROUND THE __O__. Non-stop game of darts. 16 down (8). _____E_S. Mad people who worked at Bletchley Park. 20 down (7). Dessert - sounds...