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I am 32 years old, and have smoked about 10 cigs a day for 15 years. I want to stop, but am I already a gonna?
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I am interested in joining the police force. Can anyone give me some information on this, I would like to know what is involved in the application, the medical and the fitness test. Also once all...
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Just seen the first I'm a Celebrity Ad.Any ideas who the lucky contenders are this year?
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Gill 05
My God is he killing that song or what?
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Why are British authorities so incompetent when handling incidents like Deepcut? An open and honest, independent investigation at the outset of this tragedy may have proved embarrassing, but it...
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I know it is supposed to be blurry, but aren't you supposed to be able to see some places, everythings blurry for me =(
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Is there any way of restoring baking trays and roasting tins so they look silver again? I would like to get rid of the black and brown stains that regular washing cannot remove. Thanks x
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We tried to grow veg with the children this year. Everything grew brilliantly, but we got hardly any vegetables before the stems rotted. Any ideas for next year. We tried tomatoes, carrots, pumpkins -...
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I just watched the last episode, and it looked like Alison came back to life (again). Did she? or did she die?
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Just seen the news. Pubs that sell food: no smoking; pubs that don't/private clubs: up to them and even that will take years. I just think they've missed an opportunity to follow suit with Ireland...
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I went to the Artic Monkeys gig last night at Sunderland Uni. Anyone else go? If so what did you think of it? I'm still not sure why all this fuss is being made about this band. I placed a bet with...

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