I need to produce a jingoistic poster for British History. I don't want to do the regular tea, cadburys thing etc. For the 'British Empire' it's like from the 1800s-1900s. Could I do British fashion?...
Is there a simple way to keep yobs off our trees? We've ruled out anti-vandal paint; too messy, too open to litigation and may damage the trees. What's fruit tree grease? Is it a grease we could daub...
I'm hoping someone can offer me some advice. My dad has asked me for some help improving his spelling (he was never really taught much at school, and he finds it very debilitating as he can't write...
Could you please tell me if my Mum is correct, she tells me that Gary Neville's Dad is called Neville Neville? I know it sounds so unbelievable but she has been told this by good authority however we...
Can anyone tell me why did Hitler not invade Switzerland when it was on his doorstep? I know it was a neutral country but that can't have stopped him. Any ideas?
Hi all! Don't know if this should be here or in B&S, but I'll try here first. I am a member of a very small team at work (4) and we've been given a small budget to do a team away-day for team...
Has anyone any suggestions for some ice breakers for a team meeting of about 30-40 people, something fun but not too silly, something quite quick for the whole team. Help!!
I've just been sacked from my job which i held for just over a month, for gross misconduct (i got drunk behind the bar i worked on). Needless to say i would like to avoid telling any potential new...
hi all give me some help please, i need some help on where to start with a covering letter. i dont know where to start this is the 1st job interviews for over 20 years, is there a site who can help me...
Who is the best Film Baddie of all time? I like Eric Bana in Chopper, but you kind of feel for the character, towards the end, so I dont know if this counts.
I am 16 and at school. I want a job for when we leave in a few months. I have had 100% attendence for the past 5 years and I am predicted 12 GCSE's A-C. I havent been in trouble at all. However, this...
So I like bands like Rammstein, Depeche Mode, Deathstars, Sistersof Mercy, but also like Johnny Cash, Garth Brooks, Maksim, the Cure, Ryan Adams, and Steps. Does anyone have a more eclectic taste in...
I feel so so sad that 5 horses died yesterday at the races. 3 of them died in the same race. I had to turn over the channel very quickly as they were about to repeat the deaths of these horses again,...
I'm doing a quiz and including an Our Survey Says section. What do you have for breakfast? sort of thing and was going to include a Which TV presenter / personality gets up your nose most? Any...
after gaining a degree, i start a new job as a supply teacher on friday this week. im a little nervous as i very little classroom experience apart from being at school. can anybody help me with any...