Last few and I have absolutely no idea... 1a Economy in the pink? [6] ?H?I?T (Is it thrift? If so how please?) 17a Finished last in race in trial [6] ??A?E (Is it trace? if so how please?) 23a Stay...
Some more please... 9d Austere clergyman turned up in diocese [6] ?E?E?? (is it Severe? If so how) 22d Conduct a meeting, perhaps, about musical [5] C???? (is it chair? if so how?) 18d Cut in half,...
7d Put out the Spanish one, at home, in match [9] ??I?I???E
5a Strips of pasta, name forgotten - lots required [6] O?D???
14a Published with set, complete [3-3-3] ??T-???-O?T
thanks for any help...
26a Place to retire, choice of large numbers of Romans (4) D?R?
21d Good stroll's become better (6) ?A?B??
27a Suffering in opening without queen? Good (10) ?N???G?I?G
any suggestions please...