Hi there, I know I haven't posted in a while but the chemo side effects are starting to attack me. At the moment I am suffering with a sore mouth and find eating difficult and was wondering if anyone...
Here is a prime example of one user having two screens...two usenames....and a very bad memory!........forgetting who is who!! Question though....why?.....ffs!!!...
Need some advice My stbx and me are going though financial disclosure. Im 33 work full time live in the family home.my wage is ?25k Mortgage 99k equity 10k Pension 7k Family car 2k No saving Ex 34...
The Sherman asked me the above in another thread, I thought it should be a general discussion as a reasonable Geezer I thought I'd create a separate thread. I give my own reasons here: 1. 2 dads/mums...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fa7ck5mcd1o Personally I can't wait but I'm not ashamed of my inner geek. If they could just make a Thunder Cats film I think my cinematic experiences would be complete....
Right I'll try again, since I managed to c**k up the link on the last one. I have x-posted this from the Internet section and the Technology section, but thought I would try here as well. Any help...
Hi I want to connect to the internet at home, but I do not have a laptop or PC but I do have an xbox 360 and a wii. Is it possible to just use these as a way to connect to the internet to download...
how long is your chest hair - if you have any i just always thought chest hair like pubes was fairly short but my OH's is bizarre its really long, i want to mow it but he won't let me
Hehehe! Got my first payment this week for my 17 yr old daughter. Her father sent me a cheque for (wait for it) ?20 She's been back with me since August and this is his first payment! My daughter was...
Another St George day is over. http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/s/ 1111698_st_george_celebrations_turn_ugly Do the English not know how to behave themselves, and celebrate their christian...
I know I hate dogs and have a phobia but my god how can this girl do this to a dog. I really wanted it to turn round and maul her http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/arti cle2391386.ece
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-117202 7/Schools-close-Ramadan-non-Christian-festival s-avoid-pupils-missing-classes.html Instead of closing schools, and everyone losing out on lessons,...
look at this link. the articles only short. http://news.uk.msn.com/odd-news/article.aspx?c p-documentid=16243233&ocid=ukhotmail how can you be allergic to water when the human body (on average) is 50%...