When you download a song from Amazon in MP3 format for, say, 69p, is that all it costs?...no hidden charges, instead of postage/shipping? I've never downloaded from amazon before. Ta Muchly.
We are looking a purchasing an e-reader as a gift, our only concern is that it appears that readers such the Kindle needs to have access to the internet, and the person it is for don’t have...
Why in this age of austerity should the tax payers pay for one ..nay ..two birthday parties for Margaret Thatcher?. Just because she missed the first one from illness they're going to have another on...
My cousin and his wife are away on holiday. Last night the police received an email that a child was currently being hurt within their house. When they went to investigate and no one answered the door...
I have recently moved house and my neighbours and i are receiving BBC & ITV Wales but before the switchover i believe we were all receiving BBC & ITV North West. Our landlord (the council)...
I'm going to a fancy dress halloween party and don't want to be the same old witch like i am every year, but I do have two ideas that I want your opinions (sensible one's only please) on . . . 1) a...
I have made her a new one which I shall paint white in the morning. I am quite pleased with it as it used up some old wood. What do you think, I could start a business....
Due to medical reasons, l am unaible to drive for a while..My fully comprehensive insurance is now due and l am strugglung to find anyone who will insure me FIRE & THEFT ONLY so that l can park my...
Does this seem right! British expats are now receiving over £16 million a year in winter fuel payments, even though many of them live in countries where they never have to put the heating on....
In an unfurnished property does the landlord HAVE to have insurance cover for buildings/Gas Central heating/boiler? In the event of a breakdown of heating, what is acceptable amount of time before...
Can't remember the title (probably because it was the worst book he ever wrote) anyway it was about a woman who had 3 different persona's. Not 5 or 6 or 7 or..........
My brand new whrilpool induction hob will not work .When i switch on it flashes F47. The wiring appears secure and correct according to the diagram on the casing. What can I do??
I was listening to two young neighbours discussing the internet and social networking sites, one of the girls recently bought a new computer so i asked her was she using a dongle or on a landline, she...