well not a good start brain gone on holiday I think Tues Cryptic 6A Red card issued to departing troops (8,6) 1D Long tract? illness meant it had to be amended (5,9) 16D Record European tune from the...
I have got a French Bulldog. I am always letting him out for a oui. In the betting shop my friend told me to put all my money on a horse named Landfill I am fuming as it turns out it was a rubbish tip...
Hi. Can't get out to get a paper today. Has anyone got a spare set of numbers I could have please?
Also, what are the cities today? Thanks in advance....
38) Call street to go round town (4,4) 68) Topic to leave car for fairground (5,4) 69) Does a snake stop on top of the road (7) 87) Up and going up tall building (4,4) 91) Southern team to twist and...
For those of you who regularly have this, are you loyal to a particular brand? Why is that?
I'm trying a different one this year as I couldn't get the only brand I've ever tried in the size I wanted....
Help. 8. A current gift (7) 12. Mary and chap selling drugs (8) 16. Everyone debates costs in this shop (5) 28. Cocoa being lethal, no! It's a continental treat (7,9) I have more, but feel a bit...