Help. 8. A current gift (7) 12. Mary and chap selling drugs (8) 16. Everyone debates costs in this shop (5) 28. Cocoa being lethal, no! It's a continental treat (7,9) I have more, but feel a bit...
Mon 2D where reporters gather to lead their cases (5,5) Press/?o??? 21A Appearance of fancy new unfinished ship (8) ?????e?s25A Teams confuse woman's position at Badminton (10) ???????d?e 29A Person...
It always amuses me to hear of the things kids say when they are growing up and would love to hear the things you remember. I'll start by saying; when my eldest daughter was little she couldn't say...
Morning all. DM MON 11A wreck two carriers (6,4) i?s?e?/c?s? 13D Symbolic fruit with remedial effect beginning to go off (10) ?i???ative and 7D Mystics dance undeer branch engaging key part of brain...
Thurs DM 1D astute old fellows with the stock lose it (3,3,3,6) 1A where fliers are moved around (6,5) 29A he went to work with a rare type of pottery (11)thanks
21d raised deposit was distressing [5] r?e?a
22d Paper [Express, both sides read ] n?n?r
24d ship back with redhead aboard [4] argo?
25d Unlikely line from a short story [5] s?s?y sassy?...
DM MOn Sorry but I have an "a" in 1A - the 3rd letter in - but if 2D is medicating what is 1A clue Distant feeling neck is twisted in head office trouble (12) Thanks...
DM Mon - do not know what has gone wrong here today for me but is 1A Trigger happy? If so what is 5D vehicle needing mobile to be complete (4) also 3D Chinese people invade Georgia with Scot and...