24d a person who holds that knowldge of a supreme being, ultimate cause ect is impossible(8) 28d a variety of long-grain rice with slender aromatic grains (7) cheers
36a the act of giving up one's work ,office ect(10) 4d producing an irritating or tickling sensation(7) 8d cords worn around the neck or shoulder to hold whistles(8) 5a immeasurable; very great(7) 23a...
5d immeasurable; very gret(7) 13a the male voice intermediate between alto and baritone(5) 17a went or brought forward in position(8) 23a destruction, devastation(5) cheers
20a an account, report or story as of event, expriences ect(9) 30d small predatory mammals with reddish-brown fur(7) 34d wasted or passed time fruitlessly or inactively(5) thanks alot
23a usual methods of produre(8) 24a of or like a ghost(8) 41a not discoloured or stained(11) 2d a traditional saying;proverb(5) 9d Having or incating the capacity for understanding(11) cheers
last ones 28d a republic in south america on the pacific(7) 11a a person or group responsible for admistring a project(9) 34a contributed money, time,ect to a cause or fund(7,2) thanks
18a an old world bird with a pinkish-brown plumage(6) 27a an italian liqueur with a flavour of almonds(8) 29a a strong aniseed-flavoured spirt from greece (4) cheers
10a the english name for Helsinger a city in northeast Denmark(8) 17a a white wine for the rhine valley in germany(8) 31a the technical name fo mother-of-pearl (5) n---e 6d characteristic of a rapid...
1a a small item considered to be of artistic work(5,4) 6a a liquid capable of dissolving another substance (7) 19d in medieval folklore thr king of the faries(6) 24d small bunches of flowers (8)...
12a walks, heavily or tiredly (8) 17a readily partaking in chemical responses (8) 26a the atmosphere of a place (8) 27d a sudden desire or whim (7) thanks
31a a cosmetic powder used to darken the area around the eye(4)-o-l 9d any of various offences committed agaisnt the sovereign power in a state(4-7) l-s-m-j-s-y thanks alot
14a of or relating to a tune(7) --l---c 29a a short saying expressing the maxim of a family ect(5) --t-- 21d person active in a poitical selection process (11)----t---e-- 34d to make onself subject...
22a senseless actons or remarks(9)--------e 39a aparkling; reflecting lights(8) 49a to plan or design(3,3) 4d having an intense deesire or longing for;pining(8)y------- 21d the most desirable...