18a type of tree of australia and new zealand which yields oils used as antiseptic(3,4) 30a informal term for person in overall authority(7) 35a french term for aperson who leaves one county to settel...
12a immense in sizes;gigantic(8) 15a causingvexation ;tendious(7) 47a to depart in haste(3,3) 49a the reflection of sounds(6) 57a did away with; put an end to(9) 70a happening during day or daily(7)...
11a adhering fixedly to a particular opinion or attitudeo-s--n--e(9) 12a involved in trouble or conflict(9) e-b--i--d 17a a cutting instrument with two crossed pivoted blades(8) s-i-s--- 28a small...
23a the face of a watch ect(4) 34a a light malleable silvery-white metallic element(9) 35a a small gem cut as a long rectangle(8) 36a a married italian women(7) 8d poetic term for rewards or...
last ones 10a ledge projecting from under a hinged seat in church(10) m-s---c-r- 15a in mythologhy the god of light poetry,music,healing and prophecy(6) a-o-lo 6d a small consetellation in the...
9a to terrify or frighten(7) 21a person who trains big cats in circus(4,5) 3d to make mention of(5,2) 17d unbleached cotton fabric with no print design(6) 23d a slang for drunk(3-4) thanks
1a a traditional sayings;proverbs(6) 30d a metal urn formaking tea(7) 24a leftover pieces or thimgs(8) 12d stylish or elegant(4) 15d to shout in a loud way(4) thanks
13a -whale any of several black tothed whales that occur in all seas except polar seas (5) 14d The cheif city of boeotia in ancient greece destroyed by alexander the great(6) 15d a shoe made from a...
26d lying beneth or beyond what is revealed or supposed(8) 37a large bird of prey of europe and asia with ear tufts(5,4) 30d a confused assortment(6) 33 short-tubed pasta(5) thanks
3d plant cultivated for its long whitish roots(7) 14d any of the 12 broad-faced grinding teeth in man(5) 16d hevily-built marine bird with a long stout bill(6) 18d breed of cat with a silver-blue coat...
1a The distance between the wing tips of aircraftect(9) 11a a city in netherlands in north brahant province(9) 13a a certain quaintity of sheets of papper(4) 23a a fragment or small incomplete part(6)...
last ones 18d a question, puzzel or verse; condrum(6) 24d a volcanic island in indonesia partially destroyed by it's eruption im 1883(80 27d informal word for a person or thing that is very...
1d a rented room or rooms in which to live especially in another person's house(8) 3d In greek mythology the son of agamernon and clytemnestra who killed his mother(7) 7d --and it's childrens novel by...
1a bean-shaped masses of tissue in the body that helps to protect against infections(5,5) 5a a ball of cake of deep-fried chickpeas or fava beans often served with pita bread(7) 10a jewish festival...
9d an inclination to retreat from unpleasent reality as through diversion or fantasy(8) 6d -one the top class of professoional motor racing(7) 19d a word or group of words that serves to modiy a a...
10a marine inverertebrate animal with a ciliated feeding organ (10) 13a a gadoid food fish with an elongated body large head and two dorsal fins(4) 16d a name especially a place name derived from the...