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Both my big toenails on the outer sides (not next to other toes) are all stubby and a bit cracked even though the rest of the nail is growing okay. They are not yellow or anything, but is this caused...
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This isn't one of those 'what is the character of King Lear' type questions - I have read the play! I'm doing an essay on performance variations between film and theatre and just wondered if anyone...
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My sons, 15 and 16 are very well-rounded young men. But it has recentley came to my attention that they are smuggling pornograpy into my home. I personally do not approve of this. I've tried talking...
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I have a treadmill which i use 3 times a week for 20 mins but I also bought the new twist and shape which is like a stepper which gives you cardio workout and tonign up bum legs abdominals thighs etc!...
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Just wondering if any of you guys had the exact publication dates of Rhys': After leaving Mr Mackenzie, Good Morning, Midnight and Voyage in the Dark. There is so much variation on the net that it is...
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Im currently doing some work on Jean Rhys are how she represents women in her novels. The books Im focusing specifically on are: Voyage in the dark, Quartet, After Leaving Mr Mackenzie and lastly,...
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Mobius Loop
Do you think the service the NHS provides represents good value for money. I'm researching this and would welcome any tales of good or bad use of this high profile public service.  
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My 7 year old son (only child) is constantly in trouble at School for hurting other children. My wife and I are at the end of our tether because we cannot work out why he is doing it. He is a lovely,...
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My husband and I have been together for two and a half years.  At the start of this summer he joined a cricket club and has been playing cricket three times a week, practice one night a week then...
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Who wrote a book in 1980 with Lee Harvey Oswald as the main Character
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About three times a day and for about 10 minutes at a time, the feeling goes from the tip of my (left) little finger. The loss of feeling radiates outwards and is fully regained by the base of the...
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Please could someone translate this phrase? My French dictionary doesn't have the word 'fous' although I thought it might be part of the verb 'ficher'. Am I way off the mark? Thanks.
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Near where I work is a sandwich shop called 'baguetti juction', a local thai restaurant goes by the name 'the king and thai', and a fish and chip shop near where I used to live was run by an ex...
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Wonder if anyone can help - I think I may have a hernia but i'm not sure and I'm a bit worried.  A couple of months ago I was stepping down off a train and got a very sudden, sharp pain near my...
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I am trying to get access to a journal called The Jean Rhys Review.  My university does not have it, and the only place I have come up with is  the British Library which is hundreds of miles...
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Can anyone tell me what 'Macbeth', 'The Tempest' and 'Comedy of Errors' have in common please?
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What purpose is served by Petruchio's rude behaviour at the wedding?
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has anyone got some great veggie recipies please, apart from pasta, pizza, rice? Thx
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Does anybody know what infuences of Japanese art had on late 19th century art>>>     if anybody does this would be a great help
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There was a Party Political Broadcast last night at 7.55pm on Channel 4 (for Labour). Was David Tennant in it towards the end, or was it just a lookalike?

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