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When I kiss my girlfriend my stubble irritates her face is there anything I can do that doesn't involve shaving or not kissing her!
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In your opinion what is the best film in my dvd collection? American beauty white men can't jump Training day The sixth sense Born on the forth of july Pulp fiction Dead presidents Apocalypse now...
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So where have I seen the actor that played the pirate before? Also was the actor that played young patches the guy who does most of the voices from the simpsons? He sounded just like Mo.
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what does Beano mean....heard it on Only Fools and Horses.....?
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There's a song being played on the radio at the moment. Male singer, slightly ballard style. Lyrics go 'and it's all in my head, I just can't stop thinking about you..' Sorry not much to go on -...
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Are there any 24 hour coffee or fast food places open in Central London or atleast open from around 5 half 5 a.m.?
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whats the best ever sing a long song.
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does this mean you are horrible to the one you love?
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does anyone know the correct english UK spelling of words such as Realise - is it with an 's' or a 'z'? I am sure I was told by my english techer that the 'z' is an americanism, but in dictionaries it...
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Hi I have encountered the following adjective. What does it mean? The Eastern european immigrants on the tube all booted up for a hard day's work probably in construction...
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is he married and has he any kids
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does anyone else have a severe distaste for that advert, turtles don't like diet coke.
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Where have I seen the actress who played Mrs Maguire, Mandy's scary mum?
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I have a poster on my wall with Christopher Walken on a bus or train holding a gun to the head of a black woman.  Can anyone tell me which film it is out of?? He looks about the same age as he...
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It's in every Action film you've ever seen - namely the TEAM OF HEROES walks towards the Camera VERY SLOWLY and with gritty determination ( wonderfully sent up in Monsters Inc and recently Team...
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The heart shape as used in art. valentines cards, etc, etc, is quite removed from the what a real heart looks like.    How long has the stylised shape been used and who (person...
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To start of with HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE Do cows have horns?Can they attack someone?My friend told me that her mom had been attack by a cow and she had to get stiches.I cant get a hang of it .I...
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does anybody know the name of the songs on the new E.R. advert on e4 for the new series?
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what are some good phrases about doors

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