Baden Powell's pet (5,3). This is the last answer I need for a local quiz and the answer is a cat or a dog. I have spent ages trying to track the answer down so can someone please help! Thanks.
1. Where would you be a spectator if: 1=11,429; 2=2,220; 3=800; 6,7=250; 13=1,541; 14,15,16,17=318; 18=788; 19=305 and the centre =13,800? 2. An 18th century social reformer was succeeded by a devious...
Hello peeps, Only 2 to go now... 21D Hanging is well prefixed here (6) E _ R_ _ _ 25A Genuine wrinkle for listener (5) _ _ K_ A Also, got 16D but can anyone explain the clue - is Mar a girls name??...