anyone been there? just been told I will be going for 3 months starting mid next month. How much do the brothels cost etc etc. And I may be working nights. Is that good or bad? is it near a beach so I...
come on then I do 100 pressups with bars and swim for 30- 50 minutes very cardiovasculaur front crawl. yet I still cant lose weight. I must admit I drink upto 1 bottle of wine a night. will that be...
What is the strangest/ most random present you have ever recieved? Mine was once a transparent toilet seat with barbed wire in the centre of it. What about you>?
A while ago I used to have my own tiling business and I took it upon my self to do the plastering also. But when I had finished the plastering the customer commented thus 'I have seen better jobs on...
does anybody have any advice on how to improve my spelling. I mean apart from spell check. I dont read books or anything like that. Not even newspapers. Only ab. My spelling is so sh1t i think even...
whats a better word for 'soonest' or 'nearest' as in the question: 'Let me know the soonest date we can have the meeting'. i have gone brain dead Thankyou