Any help with two would be appreciated.
22d Regarding the eyes holding sense initially of kissing (7) I have O?C?L?R
26d. Last character Susan bowled over being divine(4) I have ?E?S
Thank you....
Help with 44d (time allowed for payment ?R?D?N)
Please confirm that 34a is DREAMY (Surreal as dirge, calmly, evenly)
Please provide answer to the person in picture E
Thank you to those who answer....
Just cannot see the answers to 6d (7) Detectives probing Bambi's sudden death perhaps and 20d (6) composer source of good cheer to you and me.Any help wouild be much appreciated ad thank you in...
In these days of prohibitive postage costs can anyone suggest a way of sending in both SaturdayDaily Telegraph crosswords without using two first class stamps? Unfortunately they go to different post...
spent a frustrating day trying to get the answers to 2d Continue look into projecting part thats pointed (7) I have P?O?R? and 15a first class student (8) I have R???N?E?. Any help will be much...
I am having difficulty with the right hand corner. 5a Small reptile(ASmerican) reveals flower. (8) I have crocus 6d Got up on haunches to reveal fruit (8) I have rosehip 8d Food supplement (4.4) I...
44a Not as simple as one might pretend 52a Using the same procedure repeatyedly (maths) 9 49d Gas barrier in pipe 1-4 Just can't think and would appreciate assistance please. Thank you to any...
9d Celebrations, entertainments, gifts or feasts especially whne paid for by another. (6) I have R?E??S. Must be simple but I just cannot see it. Any assistance much appreciated and thank you in...
Oxford college account for food and accomodation. B?T?E?S. I didn't go to Oxford so am a little lost. Any help appreciated. Thanks to anyone who answers.