DT Prize crossword 27265.12d (10)
crazy reason to support and train leader. I just can't puzzle this one out. Any suggestions would be gratefully received....
Good morning all.
Help please with 7d Beaming as a good medals dished up (6) and 8d Strange island where some volcano lava's turned up (6)
Thank you for any replies...
Completely stuck on botttom right hand corner. Help please. 26a. Heather for all to see, at home before one making pasta. (8) 21d. Black bird dog (6) 22d. Falling out on the lake (6) Thanks to all who...
In attempting to match Saturday's grey words with to-day's I am left with Hook and Brew. Is there such a thing as Hookbrew or Brewhook?Any advice from some more enlightened person would be gratefully...
Stuck on right hand corner. Any assistance much appreciated. 22a. Double misfortune receiving Western hostility 3.4 18d. Firmly established source on film location 4.3 20d. Grand being on top, and on...
I posted this question earlier but it has not appeared as yet. I am completely foxed by two clues and would appreciate any help please. 16a Four letter word innocent in France (4) 14d Modest means of...
Try as I might but I cannot make any sense of the linked words from Saturday's crossword. From Saturday I got- 1) Its a wonderful world 2) White Xmas 3) Miracle 4) Holiday Inn. From Monday's I get...