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How can I stop a small rug sliding on a lino floor? The rug didn't cost much so I don't want to spend much, if any, on this.
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I have heard that when speaking english japanese people have a tendency to pronounce R as an L and vice versa. proving that they can pronounce each sound perfectly well, so why do they have this...
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I recently handed in a purse that i had found. How long will the police wait for someone to claim it? Will they be 'proactive' in finding the owner? 'Wil they let me know when it is claim?
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What was the Type of Radio fitted to Rudolph Hess plane ME!!O in 1941
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could somebody please explain the meaning of squatters rights? Why on earth should somebody who trespasses and lives somewhere they shouldn't get rights?
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I read recently that Italy has kicked out and extreamist within 48 hours of him ranting about Italians being attacked in Iraq, apparantly Italy has the same human rights laws as we have, so why is Abu...
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do you have have an accurate rate at which I should multiply to get todays equivalent? also for 79 and 83.
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Are there any males out there who actually watch ITV's primetime schedule? On any given night you will find programmes dedicated to the female viewer i.e. soaps, docu-soaps, or progs like 'celebrity...
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Which is the better system? Is the american standard safer because it is lower voltage or practical as some appliances such as cookers and tumble driers dont work as well on it and require a separate...
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I pay my Credit card bill via transfer on the internet (I'm with Lloyds) although the funds leave my account the next day, the money doesn't register with Capital One until 4-5 days later. My dad has...

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