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My father was sectioned under the mental health act and has to have treatment at a surgery 8 miles from the home every 6 weeks. The NHS will no longer provide transport to that surgery and I have been...
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just got my home insurance renewal from I did a check around to see if it was good value. Have been meaning to do it for the last few of years but with DH being ill then losing him last...
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Hi, I wonder if anyone can advise...a gentleman had delivered a letter to my property and left it half out of the letter box and on realising he had delivered it to the wrong address he later returned...
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It's wonderful.
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Hi All, Hope you can advise.... My friend is in a predicament and has asked for my advise, so i have turned to you good people who always seem to put me in the right direction with any questions I've...
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http://www.dailymail....enefit-crackdown.html This scheme is to be implemented in London at first, and then if successful it will be 'rolled out' across the rest of the country. Although I agree with...
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Dee Sa
I retired at 72 [ 2 years ago] out of the blue yesterday I got a cheque for £67 from above stating I had overpaid in the tax year 2007-8. Whilst I am happy to recieve a cheque from anyone, why...
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I am just wondering how wealthy you would have to be to be subject to William Clegg's proposed wealth tax. I know several people in London who have got very ordinary houses worth £750,000 plus...
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My father is in a nursing home with dementia and is fully NHS funded. I am dealing with his finances and I am the sole beneficiary of his estate. I have phoned Age Concern UK and the CAB to ask if the...
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http://www.theanswerb.../Question1162084.html I was phoned by a manager of the company I work for and he has advised me of the fact that the old company is aware I work there. He said there are 3...
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OK its about time. I want to get an iPhone. I have a 'normal' mobile Nokia at the moment. I want something easy to use, to make calls easily obviously, good camera, battery lasting a fair while, what...
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have any of you good people ever dealt with this company..or have any links for a review..i cant seem to find any testimonials..t.i.a...
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My father is in a nursing home and meets the cruteria for NHS funding at present and will be re assessed in July 2013. I inherited my mother's half and have lived with him since 2005. Sadly the nurse...
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Mother In Law (97) in hospital at the moment,then going into a home.She is a dementia sufferer but at the moment doesn't remember something that happened a short time ago. Her Son wants to get P.O.A....
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I have read a lot of reviews on this site amd many others and am considering moving to Worcester. So far it ticks all the boxes for bringing a young family.Also the train commute won`t be too bad as I...
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I have given my months notice in to my current employer. If I get interviews do they have to let me have the time off unpaid for it? I've read that if made redundant then they let have time off for...
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I was wondering under what circumstances and to whom your ISP is obliged to divulge your internet usage and history to should a formal request be made. Scotland Yard, MI5, if investigating a serious...
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The criteria is: 1. No planes overhead 2. Not near any towns or cities 3. No rowdiness or crime hotspot 4. Away from any motorways or trunk roads The nearest village would be sufficient?...
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My mothers Solicitor has just advised me that I have been granted (Registered) an LPA Property and Financial Affairs so that I can deal with my mothers affairs. She is 92 years old and has had to go...
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Can anybody say how I am getting bombarded with phone calls about reclaiming PPI. I have never had a loan except for a mortgage which was fully paid in 1990....

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