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the shiny, greaseproof, tracing paper type of toilet roll. What was that all about? It was all that was available for years well into the 1960's. To my amazement I actually saw some rolls on sale in a...
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Im a BusyBee
Thomsons are supposed to be informal cruises apart from captains night - is that right? does my husband need to take his Dinner Jacket and dickie bow tie? Any info on dress code would be good!
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Is a dose of 40mg Simvastatin very high ? My mother's cholesterol is 7.7 but I wondered if a lower dose of Simvastatin would be sufficient. She is worried about liver problems and side effects. She...
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Hey Iv'e never posted in this section before (I don't think!) was just wondering if anyone can shed some light for me..... My Daughter is to christened into the Roman Catholic church soon and I would...
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i have both of the above mentioned . they are both set into a gold pendant and they both have 9k gold chains. i was wondering how much £££ they could fetch? anyone have a clue? i...
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.that object following the couple in the logo? Is it a stalker?
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My central heating is only working upstairs....radiators are hot as usual, downstairs stone cold, and it's freezing! Does anyone have a clue as to what might be causing the problem please?
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Is there anyway it can be re-paired as its new and dont want to fork out money for another one. Thanks....
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Has anyone read his autobiography ?
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My cat suffers from anxiety she was a feral cat i think and is quite easily stressed,just got her to do her business outside after 8 and a bit years,so pleased,but since the snow which she hates...
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I seem to remember there was drink advertised back in the 1970s called "Pony - the Drink with a kick like a mule". What was it and is it still available?
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pictures please.
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Not sure what section to put this in, but as AB will probably put it in a random section anyway, so here goes ! I am 59 next Jan and can only remember one really ''White Christmas'' I think it was...
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Well that was a close one I have some scrap gold to sell and see these ads on TV. So I guessed they would not give good prices. But having checked a few out , the prices are very good. So just...
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The theme for this quiz is Food and Drink. Answer the question from the poster above and submit your question at the same time. Let's see who gets the most answers correct.... First question: Gruyere...
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its hi and bye from me just thought i would start a thread put down what you love best about autumn will pop in later to read them im off for a nice walk up the woods with dog and sprog see you soon...
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Did anyone find out what has happened to Ethel as I seem to have missed it?
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I have been told so many times that first borns are most likely to be born late. After asking a few people and I found that equally alot seem to have arrived early. So thought i'd post and see what...

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