please help 37 across, hymn for christmas writter by john bunyan the happy morn/whereon the saviour of the world was born 6 letters ( - - - - - e) 38 across, a moor beloved by tamora in titus...
1d. Tending to remind one of, or suggest; stimulating comparison with. 11 letters. 23a. Small desert rodent with long hind legs. 6 letters. 32a. Please greatly, captivate; hold spellbound. 7 letters
1 Across = Thin syrup of pomegranate juice used in cocktails = 9 letters 1 down = Widespread bird of prey clasified as Aquila chrysaetos = 2 words 6 + 5 17 across = Officer on a ship who keeps...
sceptical or derisive system of thought n-g-t-v-s- series or group of eight -c--d umbelliferous herd with yellow flowers seeds and leaves used for flavouring -e-l
all the words defined below start od end (or both) with the twentieth letter of the T.The number in brackets indicated the number of letters in the word. 1.leguminous tree or shrub(7)...
Anybody have a favourite question and answer they have encountered that they thought was, Clever, You know the ones that you ask and everybody smuggly bellows the answer at you, until you inform them...
just one more try, 1. on chalk hills as well as the high street (5.5.) this could be white hose, but I don"t understand the " as well as on the high street" part 2. necessities for pioneers (3.3.6.)...
1) Act between parties to decide a dispute (9): _ R _ R _ R _ T _ 2) In music, a term meaning in a moderately slow tempo (7): _ N _ _ N _ E 3)These small flatfish are of the genus Limanda (4): _...
Author of Grantchester Grind ?O? ?????? According to Marcus Tullius cicero "something is of Great Revenue" ?H?I?T A character in the pantomime cinderella ?A?D??I The food that...