Don't the losers get a goodie bag anymore? They never mention it. I've got a Countdown clock that my sister gave to me. She got it off a friend of hers called Chris who was a series champion,... ...
Due to Svens death and reading about where he wants his ashes scattering, have you given any though to where you'd like yours scattering? Weve done it for four family members, very discreetly, not... ... Of those choices I think firing squad but when will the yanks wake up to the best execution method?... ...
Anyone here got any personal experience of making wine from fruit please? I have picked quite a large amount of plums and thought I might make wine with them. I know you are supposed to put the... ...
Hi everyone, I hope you don't mind an American being on your forum. I'm a long-time lurker and first-time poster, so thanks for having me. Let me know if this is not the right place to post... ...
I read an article claiming dishwashers and washing machines were using electricity if left plugged in at the socket (socket switched on, obviously) because they needed to be 'at the ready' to heat... ...
I'll start! Try and guess before you see the name of the ad below the line, although you could be a bigger tease and not name the ad at all and see who guesses it..... : ) "They're tasty,tasty,... ...
Does anyone know of a currency symbol that looks like a lower case h with a bar (like an upper case T) at the top. The correct answer gets a share of the 1,930,000 I am due. It a share of a kind... ...
Oscar Wilde thought conversation about the weather was, "the last refuge of the unamaginative, yet we all seem to persist. How long is it since you last mentioned the weather? Thinking back, for me... ...
Ok, so I don't mean dangerous drivers here, what I mean is people who take ages just to do a three point turn or any other basic manoeuvre (and not learners). For example, I remember being parked... ...
A few weeks ago I bought some new towels. They are lovely and soft but shed a fair bit of fluff. I've washed them a few times and although the fluff is lessening, it's still annoying. Do you think... ...
...might help. And I've had enough of the acupuncture after three sessions. I'll continue with drinking the turmeric tea, even though it's slightly gritty. Two things I wouldn't give up are the ice... ...
Hi folks 😀 a wee peep in just to say hi... not been on for ages..hope you are all good and behaving life is poodling along, summer, such as it was seems to have gone and the nights are... ...
my Heinz american style burger sauce has no 'use within' date. It has a BB date on the lid - which mid 2025, but usually sauces etc say something like 'once opened consume within 8 weeks' etc