Boris Johnson's former top aide says Boris binned a solution to the current prison crisis Three years ago.Boris was warned that the country's jails would be full within a few years.But Johnson... ...
I couldn't believe my ears last night, when our local news show said there will be some frost on Friday. I'm thinking hang its still technically summer.
Priti's gone Mel's gone Who will they chuck out next - Robert, Kemi, James or Tom Latest figures Robert 33 Kemi 28 James 21 Tom 21 ... ...
At 2.30AM a debate between a tired old bankrupt with a string of criminal convictions, and a vibrant young lady with a lifelong career in law enforcement, will take place. They are vying for the... ...
Daily I eat only one slice of toast for breakfat but my toaster is a twin slice model. Single slice toasters are rare and expensive. Can someone with mathematical skill work out if there is any... ...
What things have you never done that seems that everone else (of your generation) has? For me (aged 58) Ive never seen Star Wars. Never sung at a Karaoke. Never been camping.
I've got arthritis in my hip and knee (Same side). It's been really bad today. Is it anything to do with the fact that it's been extremely wet here today. I've heard that a lot of people go abroad... ...
After two jabs and six boosters and not succumbing in over 4 years, my husband currently has Covid. He is continually coughing as he is full of phlegm/mucus and to be honest it is making me feel... ...
I normally order my various potions and elixirs through Patient Access, have done for years now but suddenly I get "Sorry, your GP practice has not made this service available to you." Any ideas as... ...
Everything is functioning as normal but the leds for lighting the digits no longer works,tho I can see them in the daylight or if I use a flash light on them.
Many might think Trump an ignoramus (me included) – but if you listen to this youtube video you will discover that he is very knowledgeable; and if you listen to the end, he’s a very modest person... ...
an apple, a potato, and an onion, and asked which is the odd one out, what would you say? I'd go for potato because it originated in the Americas. I believe this was part of the entrance exam to an... ...
Some eejit on the news channel saying "nucular" makes my blood boil. How can we have "journalists" who can't even talk, surely that's the basis for reporting on TV.