hi, the answer to POARD turned out to be Christmas eve, after eve pollard as HEATON21 had offered in a later response I do not think the quizmaster realised that POLLARD was the name of a tree when he...
a speech bubble is coming from noel saying, I'm blonde with a light complexion.... and scrupulously impartial to boot one answer that comes to mind is 'Christmas fair 'or 'fayre' but I think there is...
any help would be appreciated on this festive dingbat, please:- BUTTER CUSTARD MANCHESTER LEMON TREACLE FRUIT BAKEWELL QUICHE CHERRY JAM FRANGIPAN they are obviously all tarts, but i can't find a...
there is firstly a speech bubble coming from charles saying "i,ve got poltergeists" then there is a speech bubble coming from banquo saying "is there a discount for buying in...
there is a speech bubble coming from mr huhne, saying, " i have a prickling, stinging sensation"
again the answer is a festive one, thanks,...
could anyone help with the following dingbat please,
the answer is anything to do with christmas,i.e. carol song, food film anything of a festive nature, thanks....
firstly there are the letters xyz placed on top of each other, then there is the symbol for pi underneath with an arrow pointing at it, then on the right of these is the name alan titchmarsh. there is...
hi, could you help me with two dingbats both answers relating to christmas in some way:- [1] santa claus is written in the form of a circle with the word Depart in the middle of this circle [2] the...
the answer is the name of a film. THE [speech bubble] saying i'm hip and trendy I THE [speech bubble] saying i'm hippier and trendier than you1 I THE [speech bubble] saying but i'm the hippiest and...
these are the remaining dingbats:- [1] acuse [2] the letter X [this is at the top left hand corner], the next line is the sign for Pi with a speech bubble with the words Purr. Purr, Purr in it, the...
the dingbat is BELL BELL BELL written 3 times under each other and then Ni written adjacent to this. the answer is anything to do with christmas, song, carol,phrase, film, anything with a christmas...
could anyone help with this dingbat:- ROONYCAEL CAMERON GOWER NEW YORK the answer is something to do with christmas,either carol,song,lyric, festive phrase, anything with a christmas theme...
[1] is the word TIN placed over the word BALL and then the word MARATHON to the right of these [2] is the name HAROLD SHIPMAN placed first and then to the right of this the name KEIRA KNIGHTLY [3...