hi i come off the pill over a month ago and have had a period. now nearly four weeks later and due another period i have found im getting tender and notted stomachs and really sensitive nipples, we...
i am currently taking off the bathroom wall tiles. do i have to get a plumber out to take off the sink unit so i can get to the tiles behind? it seems to have been a bodge job anyway, the tile work is...
i been trying to get pregnant but have not succeeded yet, i am afraid if it is impossible for me to get pregnant, so is there anyway to find out if i can get pregnant without going to the doctors?
There is a man who has a shop nere my sister, and one day she was in bed not well. One day the man rang my sister up and sed your video is due back today and she sed I am in bed not well, he sed I...
I have been out of work since the beginning of july and i live with my mum and my sister. this is the first time in 6 years i have not had a job and i've been looking very hard but not been...
I just found one of my cats in my microwave - uncooked but stuck. Where is the weirdest place that you have rescued your cat from? What is the strangest situation that you have found your cat in?
i cant afford to put central heating or underfloor heating in my bathroom, so i was thinking about getting a slim flat panel electric heater fixed to the wall - with the wires going through the wall...
I was awoken last night with very severe pains in my stomach, i was coping with it to start with but it got worse, i got up and walked around and it didnt seem t do any thing, without being too rude,...
i posted a few days ago, as i think i may be pregnant, though not getting my hopes up. over the past few days i have had very light spot bleeding. it's very very faint pink colour. is this a sign i am...
it's been 48 days since my last period (my last two have been 37 and 34 days). i feel pregnant! i have been pregnant before, and i feel exactly the same now. i've done 7 tests, all negative. spoke to...
I have watched this programme since it first started and followed the progress of these children with interest. I saw the first one of the new series, ages 6 to 7 but sadly missed the second one on...