ISPY, Last week's answer given as 17. I have 16!!! I have checked and checked answers and my spelling and still get only 16. How is that. Can anybody else check and/or give an explanation of how count...
Brandish fist during,for example, meet (7). I have S?T?S?Y. Can it be SATISFY, if so why? Many thanks for inteest and any help. Even my wife would be grateful!!!!! .....must be copying someone...
Song about me in the country (7) Thought it could have beeb Namibia, but hy? also self-possessedmen might use this to reducefriction () .......and the office of a newsvendor perhaps (6). Many thanks
Just this one. Irregular money offer (6) I have R??D?B which I feel sure are correct------but maybe not!!! Any help as usual greatly received. Many thanks forbyour interest
Any financial brains out there???? I would be very grateful for any help in answering this question. Roughly how much of the world's money is held in PHYSICAL CASH? 8%, 25%, 52% or 66%? Very many...
sUCCESSFUL POP BAND FORMED IN THE 1990'S (4,4). I HAVE ?A?E ?H?T...ALSO CRYPTIC CLUE happy ending for young boy (4). I have G?A?.. Very many thanksfor your help in advance
cAN NANYONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT PICTURES A,B, C AND D are please----am not very goods at it altho nearly finished. A 3'6, B 4 C 5, AND D 9. Very many thanks again
Final syllable of word (6). Research shows the answer as ULTIMA-----but I have E?D?N? which I know to be correct----so should the answer beending or do you have other ideas???? Any suggestions very...
Last one - Clue is....Musical minimum? (1-6) It could be C-String or G String. Which one or why? I think G-String. Any ideas? Your response will be greatly appreciated
Last two to do. I thank anyone who can help. Merrymaking created by turning lever on the lines (7)...... and Some of the later inmates had a purgative drug (8) Thanks again
I hope someone can help please. Seems a hard one this weekend. Discharge a French case (6). Started a run round the layers below. (11) and Perhaps the one over there hangs (4,7) I have some letters in...