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anagram TIREBNSAN (an atheletics legend ) ?
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19a Muhammad Ali was this when floating like a Butterfly ?(7) E?U?I?E 17a Governing body for professional basketball in USA ?(1,1,1)
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2d Conditions when golfers are wise not to play ? (2,1,5) I?A?T?R? 3d Orchestrated dressing room spirit ?(7) H?R???Y
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11a a sudden surge ? (6) ??r?s? 15a injury when one trains,for a change ? (6) ???a?? 20a stroke play golf by another name ? (5)
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does anybody own the above car and could you tell us about the good and bad points about this car many thanx
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16d it figures as a passing movement ? (3,3) 1d nadia,romanian gymnastics legend ? (8)
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31 across An iced drink of rum ,lime juice and syrup or sugar ? (8)
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24d Belonging or relating to a place of learning ? (8) 30a Another name for a tendon ? (5)
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who is depicted on the back of a fifty pound note ?
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25a What the wise jockey and his mount have (5,5) ?o?s? s?n?e 6d Vessel for the footballing elite (11) ?r?m?e?s?i? 7d He takes the strain at the front (4,7) ?r?p ?o?w?r?
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28a An oleaceous tree of Europe and Asia ,having clusters of small greenish flowers ? (3) 31a Mount _,the mountain where Moses received the law from God ? (5) 14d In classical mythology,a son of King...
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13a Tropical asian starling,some types can mimiic speech ? (5) 17a In music,a term referring to notes which are short, clipped and separate ?(8) 18a Bloodsucking African fly which transmits various...
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4d Ablue vat dye originally obtained from plants but now made synthetically ? (6) 6d Whale like mammal having a prehensile upper lip ? (7) 27a a green skinned bannana like fruit ? (8)
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word often to describe mike tyson at his peak ? (7) also 14d
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17A expiosive shot on the billiards table ? (6) 19a mark,great wallaby fly half and captain ?(4) 24a this spaniard wears no8 for bolton ?(5)
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6d SirMatthew Pinsent ,for instance is an old one ? E?O?I?? 23a word to describe Mike TYSON AT HIS PEAK ?(7) 26A NOISY COLLISION (5) ???S?
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5. men revered for their profound wisdom (5)
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28. Friendship or cordiality (5)
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23. Formerly, a position in golf when an opponent's ball blocked the line between the hole and the ball to be played (6)
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6d the wild thing of golf ? (4) 19a are slip fielders on it when expecting one ? (4)

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