22a they stop and retreive the ball ?(8) 16d what the goal hunting forward at wolves might do ? (6) 18d mohammed,the indian batter with derbyshire,gloucestershire & leicestershire ?(4)
3d To be sustaine ,manage to live ? (7) 13a Any of the faculties ? (5) 32d An impure form of quartz used as a gemstone and in making pestles & mortars ? (5)
8a England schemer who played for Spurs and later became clb coach ? (5,5) 10a Certainties to show winning interest ? (7) 15a Left handed Middlesex runmaker who is opening all hours in the West indies...
29a Fluid said to run through the veins of theGreek gods ? (5) 9d Type of tringle in which all sides are the same length ? (11) 34d In North American indian societies,an object,animal etc,symbolising...
30d mans felt hat,with a dented crown and upturned brim ? (7) letters 25d title used by german married woman ? (4) letters 37d of or relating to the sun ? (5) letters
6d Aperfect unhandicapped round ? ?c?a?c?g?l? 13d How the great defenders manage to stay under pressure ? ?o?p?s?d 16d Slopes that are childs play for skiers ? (7 letters ?
34a Thoroughbred racehorses counted as being 1 year old until the second jan1 after their birth ?(9) letters 23d 16th century pope who gave his name to the calendar still in force today ? (7) letters
5a to shorten by cutting off a part end or top ? (8) letters 19a the central supporting blocks at the top of arches ?(9) letters 21a evergreen shrub used as a xmas decoration ? (9) letters
34a a liliaceous plant with a thick flower stalk bearing white,blue or pink fragrant flowers ? (8) letters 28a narrow strip of land connecting two large land areas ? (7) letters 23a a large american...