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I hate to pick people up on spelling mistakes but as this one is made by whoever designed the site I have to say something. In the links in the grey bar at the top of the page the word 'favourites'...
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Doc Spock
Just been to local town shopping centre etc. Why are the muslim women not being thrown out. You know the type, a pair of black eyes staring out of a big black bin bag.
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O.K. some people are going to think "wrong catagory" I disagree (mainly because this is where I hang out). So here are the questions. Do you view porn stars as low-life? Do you view porn stars as less...
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question about following on from Potter Minor's question about scrubbing your stained smalls, well, to be honest, I just need cheering up :( Is there anybody on here who likes me, even just a little ?...
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i been watchin the chicas goin by. and lookin at the volleyballers too. then this afternoon i tried to talk the woman from the estate agents into buying the leopard skin sex bikini suit . nice ring...
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or just the bits they want to? So here are some questions for the christians on here... 1) If I asked you to give me your tv, would you? According to jesus, not only would you give me the tv, but you...
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Jimmy Riddle
Although I cannot afford Somerfield`s prices, I pass by most days often go in because their special offers can be attractive. I have learned however, to be extra careful of the sell by dates on food...
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What do you prefer doing? Online gaming? or Posting on AB?
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ever be reconciled to reason? Reason tells me that dead carpenters dont come back to life. Reason tells me that donkeys and snakes dont talk. Reason tells me that voices dont come out of burning...
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Why cant we manufactue gold?, after all we should know the make up of the stuff and how its created and we can make diamonds so why not gold, silver or platinum. or am i just being stupid? Dave.
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In which US state would you find Orange County?

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