I have the Grundig Elegance 19" LCD TV but we have issues with the built in Digital as it kept being a bit funny and freezing and not coming back on. Now it just doesn;t work at all and looking like...
Me and a bunch of my mates sent each one of our partners a Valentine's from a different one of us just to stir it up a bit. Do you think this is a bit sadistic or just plain funny?
I've recently had a few questions banned, most of which I don't understand why after reading the terms and conditions. There also didn't seem to be any duplicate questions so I'm well baffled....
I last heard this song a couple of years ago and have wanted it ever since. The lyrics are 'take me away, a million miles away from her...' Any help on the artist and song title...
What's you claim to fame? Mine would have to be either stroking Lee Hurst's head (off They Think It's Over) or standing next to Mark Owen in Selfridges (very lame I know!!).