I've just been invited to a party tonight and since I haven't been to one of *them* for absolutely ages, I am definitely going.... woot !!! Only thing is, everyone who goes has to do something.......
Looking on you tube i came across this clip from a film i watched years ago.Its called southern comfort.About some national gaurdsmen getting lost in the swamps of louisiana i believe.This clip...
when are these stupid @rseh0les going to realise that these stupid dogs kill children. I feel sorry for the one year old but the parents and grandparents deserve the death of their child. Look what I...
Can we all add our pleas on this thread to ask the ED or the Techies of AB to release jules from the dungeon where the poor lass has been cooped up since christmas day!!! xxx
Drivers who use a mobile phone while driving annoy the bejesus out of me, but is this criminalizing the car driver a wee bit too much? are they yet again, going after the easy target? Should this kind...
Does anybody know when tickets for the circus go on sale and where I can obtain them from?? I want some for the openning ceromony and particularly the 100m, 400m and final day. I have searched the net...
another round of numpties getting these over-rated accolades. What will happen when we run out of singers, tv presenters and sporty types. Just look at the list of sirs. Elton John then it's all...
is it me, or the wonderful town i lve in?? gt yarmouth...eeek!! being in my 40's doesnt mean i am ready to hang up my dancing shoes and opt for a quiet., dull life...heaven forbid! but where can you...
I set it up on my dads computer which was fine and down loaded a couple of songs. I'm not on my step dads laptop and I've plugged the shuffle in to the ISB thingy and it's not come up with that whole...
Ok your young child , under 10 , asks for a mini-moto motorbike /quad. Do you get them one because all the other kids in your street have one? Do you get them one because noone else in the street has...
Hi, I just wanted to post a wee pic of my wee puppy Mindy, she is adorable and I dare you not to smile :) [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m151/HAYSI/ Mindy4.jpg[/IMG] Hope you have a great...