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What did Harry Potter's parents do?
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Does anyone find it strange how Peter Pettigrew was basically the only character left out of book five. Do you guys think that J.K Roling is saving him for something in the end?
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how do you think Mark Evans is related to Harry Potter?
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How come Dennis Creevey went to the hogshead in book 5? he is a second yr and your not allowed in hogsmeade till third yr
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In order of the phoenix, the wording of the prophecy made it seem like both Harry and Voldemort have to die because one can't live while the other dies.  Did i draw the correct conclusion from...
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I want everyone's imput on who they think is next to die in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Ron? Hermoine? Harry? Dumbledore? Hagrid? It could be anyone!
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at least twelve years ago when I was younger... my mother bought me a book... and I'm pretty sure the title is 'The Road to T...' but I can't swear to it.. but it's about these selfish kids and one or...
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does anyone read anything other than harry potter? i thinks it quite a sorry state that this is an art and literature page but every other question is about harry potter? in fact there's only 5...
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when will the new harry potter book be coming into print?
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So far the Harry Potter series only tells of Harry's becoming of a wizard but what about before Harry's parents died...a prequel would be nice?
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harry potter dies in the seventh book??
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Do you think it would be cool if Johnny Depp was in one of the Harry Potter movies?
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When will the 6th Harry Potter book come out?
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Give your general opinion about Harry Potter. Witch of the books you read (if you read any)? Witch of the movies you have seen (if you seen any)? What you think it`s going to hapend in the rest...
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Now that JK Rowling has officially named her next book who do you think is the half-blood prince?? I initally thought it could possibly be something to do with Neville Longbottom, but have since...

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