my spelling is poor and i end up only using words i can spell, is there a program that will check it for me as i type, an e mail or things like this, it takes ages to do anything cos i have to keep...
i had one of those crushed ice drinks I took a big gulp and a pain in my chest started and was the worst pain i think i ever had.Im sure It was the ice that caused it but i wondered wot it was that...
my pc has started going very slow i have got rid of a lot of things on the hard drive cleared up my desk top i de fraged it re set everything but still slow im a bit old for all this stuff and would...
our 9-10 month old kitten is acting she keeps spreding herself to the floor and making odd sounds and is lifting her rear end then rolling on her back and squeeking she is not in any pain at first she...
i am getting pop ups on my pc could you advise me of of somthing to stop them i cant afford a lot i have tried ad- aware but it not getting rid of them please could you help. Thank you for your time
We have had our new kitten about three weeks now,and our 10 year oldr cat lucy has been fine with her, she has hissed at her when she bit her tail, but outher than that all is fine but when i feed...
our new kitten is doing ok and lucy ( 10 yrs ) is ok with her lilly sprints to the food bowl and lucy steps back and lets her eat her fill ,is this the norm? The only time she hissis at her is when...
lucy has gone up to the new kitten and is making a sort of low growling type noise i havent hurd it before, has anybody any idea wot it happening?? no hissing or anything, just that deep noise??? the...
Candy is still missing after five weeks. We got a little baby kitten today and would love it if candy came home to meet her Lucy still looks for her mum and she is 10years old.The kitten has met Lucy...
one of our cats went out and never came back about five weeks ago we had her and her kitten for 11 years and she was a friendly cat she had never been gone for a whole night before we have done all we...
my spelling is not very good and i am sorry for that about ten years ago i found out that a famley was having problems with there cat and her three kittens when i got there two of the kittens were...