My mum's hair started falling out the day after she went on an 8 mile run. The next week she did 10 miles and more is falling out. Could this be due to a weakening of her scalp after her hair fell out...
Should I buy my boyfriend a Wii for his birthday? He's been going on and on that I should buy him one! Now I feel that I HAVE to but it's not exactly cheap!
I once saw an episode of Nigella Bites with a recipe for Japanese style soup made with mussels - the only ingredients I remember are garlic, chillies, sake - anyone have this recipe to hand?
Last night I tried to go to bed early - around half eleven. I lay awake for around 3 hours then woke up several times after that. Had my alarm clock go off at 6.45 but took me TWO HOURS to actually...
Hi, my boyfriend is going on holiday to Goa and as well as a guidebook I want to buy him a good book or collection of short stories set in Goa, or a book about someone travelling in Goa. Any...
I am an atheist. My boyfriend is Muslim, though not particularly practising right now he intends to follow his religion better in the future and when asked me if I would consider converting, I said...
I either had a dream I was watching Robocop on Saturday night, or it was actually on and I was really drunk. I was in Edinburgh. Can anyone verify? Would have been around 2am I think.
I'm looking for the darkest possible red/purple nail varnish... so dark that it looks almost black. Darker than Chanel's rouge noir or vamp. Anyone have any ideas?
I am slightly disturbed by all these books being published about people's horrendous childhoods. I am reading 'A Child Called It' and I can't believe how horrible it is. i can't stop reading it even...
A friend of mine turns 30 on the 25th of October and he's asked for party suggestions. We have to sort it now as he's going travelling soon. He is very immature, loves ska punk, rock and the...
I have been seeing this guy for two months. He's totally rubbish at organising to see me, I am quite a busy person so we're seeing each other about once a week and it's ******* me off. If he really...
Last month I had a meeting with my manager which resulted in me handing my notice. I had worked there for 10 months and things weren't going well with the product (I'm in sales) and we decided it...