as far as we know, we may be related to william booth, founder of the salvation army, but we dont know much about how we are related, can anyone tell me where I can find a detailed family tree of all...
my horse is part thoroughbred, and is quite muscly, but his back hurts him, and I put any pressure onto it, he kicks out and gets very uptight, his legs are ok, and are in very good condition, and he...
hi, not sure where to put this but does anyone know where I can get memorabilia for X-men, I have a friend thats an absolute no#1 fan of the films and series.
hi, I was diagnosed with Raynauds Phenomenon, and my doctor never really explained what they can do about the problem, since then it has gradually got worse does anyone know of any good treatments I...
Poor Sharon Beshenivsky, what kind of evil person would shoot an innocent police officer, what kind of memorial do you think people should do to make sure that this doesnt happen again? I know that we...