Any ideas for good baby names, I dont want anything to modern and would ideally like a girls name as a boys name, ie toni, jamie etc... And traditional boys names. I wanted Harry for a boy but my b/f...
(_!_) a regular ar*se (__!__) a fat ar*se (!) a tight ar*se (_*_) a sore ar*se{_!_} a swishy ar*se(_o_) an ar*se that's been around (_x_) kiss my ar*se (_X_) leave my ar*se alone (_zzz_) a tired...
if you bought a pair of love birds from a pet shop....and on the way home you saw hundreds of birds sitting on telephone lines.....would you be a little concerned ??
if you walked into a counntry pub in yorkshire and everyone in there stopped talking, and a bald headed guy turned to you and said...."don't go on the moors tonight".....would you still go?