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I'm replacing the floor covering in the living room but don't know whether to go for a new carpet (which the dog will blacken within a month) or oak flooring (which my daughter says is noisy and...
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Can anyone tell me why people wrap their cases in cling flim when flying? Surely customs will still cut it open, so what's the point?
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The Situation: You are in NE England. There's chaos all around caused by a hurricane with severe flooding. A flood of biblical proportions. You're a photo-journo working for a major tabloid NP and...
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Yesterday on the way home I drove behind a guy who was quite clearly anmd blatently talking into his hand set whilst steeering his car with his right hand. I followed him for approximately 6 miles...
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and do you miss any of them?
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Im off to my kip to watch the tv. Hope you are well? And remember if you cant be with the one you love. then be with the one you can be with. Anyone wants to call you got the number lol ciao ciao and...
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I've just seen on the teletext that the entire Island of Tenerife is without any power! Is that true? x
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Good, bad, indifferent, songs always have a special meaning to you don't they? Here is one of my all time faves,
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Do you ever stop and think about what could have been regarding people youve met and felt an attraction to , but never got together or in a relationship with them? As you get older does it cross your...
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I'd change my right knee as its giving me gyp (LOL I sound like a pensioner) :P
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Mad drunken bints on the lash and being violent. Whas happening to the female of the species? Seems they are getting more violent and out of control. Or are the statistics wrong that they are quoting...
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When did women stop being women? And instead try their hardest to be men ? Has their battle for equality now gone too far? Have they forgotten what it means to be a woman whilst striving to be equal...
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Tonight's Emmerdale, very sad, poor Debbie...but the lovely song at the end ? Please could someone let me know who the artist is ? Is it Coldplay ?
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... Off for a sailing weekend tomorrow. The first of the year (well, I don't count the Isli of Wiggetti at New Year cos that was just a drunken sea-crawl & a below-deck book-fest while Cap'n did all...
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love more than anyone else in the world?
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The world is my
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do you enjoy it the day after,or am i just a glutton?
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If you were the condemned man / woman What would you request as your last meal & drink I think mine would be rump steak & a bottle of baileys.
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I could just cry now but I can't I'm at work. Colleague doesn't turn up until 9.40 and should start at 9. He does let me go early sometimes but still. Have to make the tea and do the washing up,...
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I don't know...............

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