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1 Ladys name at road junction 2. River Bank 3 Noblesman question feeling fed up 4 Wander off a beverage a goal post and Bonnies partner 5 No 5 floating land 6 Egyptian god is lean on this piece of...
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22) Cornelius________Chase, actor 68) One pound one shilling poultry 74) Sweetsinger Florence 84) One to deal with correspondence
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1) is this swimmer found on the tennis court? 2) sounds as if the parrot got the joke 3) you don't need to cut this one 4) A cuppa preceds the legal document 5) all the birds gathered together 6) do...
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yyuryyubicuryy4me (_8(i)
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47) suv (6)
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Answer will live in the water 19. Good and dead a long time (no amount of letters) Previous suggestions have been John Dory, Davy Jones Locker, Goldfish, Gudgeon, Fossil fish but they don't seem to...
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Q30 What the police should do about organized crime - to get it to court? I have SQUASH RACKETS, but it's just occurred to me that it could perhaps be SQUASH RACQUET. Any thoughts on this please?
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needing help
Has anyone done 32?? Top Tory wife anxious - and sneering (9) I have put twitching but am not conviced
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which american painter painted Green Pom-pom
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j r ness
cowboys in cars here? 5,5 cross this for another car? 6, 6 law on this slope? 12, 4 music made here? 3, 3, 5
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Many of you are old hands at this already. This week would be an excellent one for new contestants to start as it's the beginning of our new scoring system courtesy of crofter, so if you want to be...
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Just stuck on one - "Whose autobiography was called 'Good Vibrations'? 6,7, letters. I thought Jacqueline Gold (Ann Summers)'s autobiography was called this, but neither of her names fits the number...
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granny grump
Time is running out and despite a last push I am still quite a few adrift. As I haven't seen any postings for some time I can only asume that everyone else has finished. Help would be much...
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stuck on these all names of chocolates / sweets? help please archers aim bad french puzzle following the university boats oral bung edible underground fungi park land rather than old kent road talking...
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Names of films with vowels removed.. 1. SFRTM 2. THSTNDTPCH 3. DRY many thanks...
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10. Continue to mock (7) 13. Sounds like they are tying up the bacon (10) 24. One-eyed sea-dog (6) 33. Cattle crossing (6) 36. Cockney says 'Give it to me' (7) 42. Calls to the Welshman (9) 44....
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Dottie B
2 questions on advertising slogans - commuter transport ??? bringing it all together. these questions are things you find in countryside-- 4-all except the present tenth. 22- pro ease. 24- new born...
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old perfume (answer contains a colour)
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a way of purifying sea water
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a name given to what you are dissolving

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