Just read the Ward-Minter and the nuns saga. Highly amusing; I thought W-M would NEVER get it . Anyone else know a joke they didn't understand at first hearing? Here's one that puzzles some people. A...
I want to paint my hall, stairs and landing, i started painting it cream, but i don't like it. Can anyone suggest a nice colour/colours that would look good?
Right my son (aged 9) and his best friend had a fight the other day, he came home cryingand I just comforted him and said, "It's ok, you will be friends tomorrow" kind of thing. Anyway about 10 mins...
Can anyone tell me the answers to the following, its driving me mad - i only have these to get. 231 determination not to be old 273 marillion hit small fish 315 melancholic campanologists tool 348...
2d There's nothing about America to pin down. ?A?L Just cant find a word to fit - and make sense of the clue. Thank you for any help that may be given.
That are abreviated? SARS HIV+ AIDS IBS STI's Any advances? The reason I ask is that I have contracted SARS from champers! all that heavy breathing done me in!
help please with the following: 7d rank below captain (10) 8d Australian holiday houses (8) 12d Chemical reaction that needs energy input (11) 22d feast(4) 6a taking along time (4) 25a specially...
Stuck on 3, can anyone help, please 36a One after the other(8) -a-a-o-a ? paranoia, but why 50d House rooms accomodating bodies? Not half (5)a-i-- 56a You'd not be honoured to get it up(4,6)...
Grr. Some people, all women - have come down to our floor and they're all gossiping about who's the fittest bloke on our floor and it's sooo sexist! We are not merely pieces of meat you know.