Hi, I have tried to find a marriage for one of my 3rd great grand uncles Samuel Bett(s) born 1843 Benniworth Lincolnshire. His wife on the 1871 was Elizabeth who I think was Elizabeth Willson born...
I have received a letter from BT informing me that they will be charging me £1.50 for each paper bill, and if I wish to save that by receiving them on line I should go to bt.com/signupmybt-the...
Just had a renewal quote from Saga for house and contents. They have increased it by 25% to £623% last year they increased it by 23%. I think they are being a bit naughty, so I am going to have a...
I have just completed a full scan by Malawarebyt and they have removevd 18 items called PUP>25apps. Can someone please tell me what they are and how can I stop them appearing again. I am not very good...
I usecd to be able to type a letter on microsoft word,and then print it out but it will not open on my screen now. I am unable to use a pen because of arthritis. Can someone help me get this programme...
Can anyone recommend a reasonable priced printer as my old Epson has packed up.At my age 86yrs I do not want anthing special. I only need it for printing out the odd document and letter. Thank you in...
I cannot find the Monday Express with the Big Monday Crossword in. Is there any way somebody could send me a blank copy of this please, with the clues?
Grateful thanks if this is possible.
£1000 crossword: 30 down- an edible saltwater fish of southern NZ waters? 4 letters _o_i ? AND 25 across- ____ gale, a wind of force 7 on the Beaufort scale? 4 letters: n__r? Many thanks...