Has anyone noticed that a lot fat women never ever compliment another women who has successfully managed to loose weight and is now slim and healthy? They always come out with the same remarks such as...
Such good acting from Kat and Alfie, and that baby is so cute. But when they were told at the hospital that the babys blood group didn't match James blood group, I did wonder why babies blood would be...
Can anyone tell me if they have seen Gillian Wright who plays Jean Slater in East Enders in something else in the past week? I'm sure that I spotted her in something else, and thought that it might...
I'm looking for an extendor strap for my bumbag - something like this -
but preferably in the UK! thanks very much for any help....
I've just watched this on iplayer, and I know that it is a repeat, but who was John ?(can't remember his surname) - it was just a bit odd to see him there without any explanation as to who he is!
How often does yours go out? Mine goes out...rolls around in the street...hides under a few cars...has another roll around...then meows to come back in... repeat the above about 20 times a day......
Do you feed your cats? mine are getting so fussy, I'm forever picking the bowls up and changing it. Whiskas, felix, gourmet perle, sometimes they eat and sometimes they don't. Must admit it sometimes...
Does anyone know if the latest series of The Tudors is coming out on DVD? I've only seen the last 4 or 5 episodes, and would like to see the earlier ones.
I have a rubblish knee- too little cartlilege left and an off-centre knee cap which is grinding away at the wrong bit of bone- ie- not sitting it it's proper groove. The physio gave me some exercises-...
To get away from what should be a warm and fuzzy thread about mothers it has become apparent that many of us do not have warm and fuzzy feelings for our mums. Mine was a liar who never told me the...
Saw a yellow sports car today.Reg RO11OXS.it just made me smile. Have you ever had a witty or personal number plate. I remember years ago seeing JOK1E which I think was Jimmy Tarbuck, and FUN1E, which...
I wondered if anybody out there has ever had this awful complaint. I've had it for 7 weeks now. I can put up with the rib pain and even the sudden temperature spikes, but the crushing headaches and...
I was just watching the Police Dog (talk about courage)You Tube clip, and think the dog in that was probably a Malinois, judging from the speed. If anyone wants to see a bit more of this wonderful...
For those who replied to my post earlier re: my labrador puppy (and anyone else who likes dogs!), Here is a link to a few photos of her:
Thanks to all who answered my queries about Liraglutide recently, I'm sorry that I haven't thanked you earlier, but hope this makes up for it. Loooobylooo - thank you for the link, it was very...