Just in case any Listener fans are watching this website, here is a link to tomorrow's Times article: http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/art s_and_entertainment/books/article4786591.ece (I...
I have loaded the cd of the free Scrabble game, but [surprise] it does not seem to work. No board comes up, and no rack of letters. Is it me,or is it a rubbish product?
I just cannot get started on this one, can anyone please give me just one or two answers to hopefully get me started PS I understand if I don't get any replies thank you
comment rather than a question have a go at the latest times listener crossword puzzle http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/art s_and_entertainment/games_and_puzzles/article3 006545.ece i only...