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A line from a song And when he sleeps do they tickle his numbers given .Help appreciated please.
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Take care with this and change direction here 5-4 second one Old English coin 5 Thanks for any help given.
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19 ash oak or elm (3) 24 a herring measure plus fruit (9) 36 a hundred and fifty followed by a direction (6) 47 royal address (6 6) 49 inactivity-less a hundred and one (8) any help appreciated...
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What's My Line Quiz - Has problem feet 7---.Chocolates Sweets and Biscuits Quiz Used to be shoes . Whiskey puzzle .For those in the gallery .--- Flower and Plant Quiz -One word names presumed Doctor...
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16d. struck the blemish and satisfied one's hunder (3,3,4) not too sure but is it Hit the Spot Many thanks...
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Nocturnal mouse -like male and his bird 6-5 Thanks for any help given.
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Please can anyone help Cop jet thorns 4-8 Titch or yank 5-6 Thank-you.
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This answer will have a bird in it. Sort out general fine clothing to fit a famous historical luminary.(no number of letters given) This answer will contain 'Bee'. Apt description for Dennis Healey...
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Every answer has a colour in it. Not to drink from 4-6. Enrol to view the ocean 4 Many thanks for any help given..
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AB Editor
Hello, I have recently received a wave of emails from regular Q+P users who have noticed that some quiz related posts have been ending up in categories like Weather and Music. After talking with the...
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Confused chant at the pub 7. This dog won't give the ball back 4-7. Find it amidst this enchanter 6. Is this team player flummoxed 7....
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Is this leader a composer 6-7 . Part wise man goes to hideout 6. Exclude Chaucer 8-7 Find it amidst this enchanter 6. Apprehended in department with payment 6-6. Thanks for your help
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18 now lie chots 8-3 .. 23 hot Sunday best 6-4.. 26 animal spa 4-4 .. 29 roast dinners home 7-4.. Please help, in hopes, many thanks....
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Should we travel by road or ice 12 letters. Does it feel all blown up 6 letters. You are likely to see this at Cowes 5 letters. I appreciate any help given.
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All clues lead to the name of a form of transport - Land, Sea or Air. 1Take nothing away to find an instrument of punishment (5) 2 Add up and make your food tasty (5) 3Hang on ! Don't let it send you...
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The answers are all types of material. PLease help. 1. Scotch eel he abandoned could have been found in the dairy (11) 2. For waterprrof coat apply suntan lotion (7) 3. Prophet went up to a guliable...
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!0, Does this boy panic? (8) 19, Red squirrel treats? (6,4) 21, Do these digits like to dance? (8,7) 28, COUNT SO ACK YACHTS (7,9) Anagram? Thanks for any help...

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