Change a letter.
eg Frozen water vapour /someone who looks down on others ( 4 )
Answer snow / snob.
1. eg. Cumulus / Heal ( 5 )
2. Branch / Hack ( 5 )
Many thanks for any help....
All the answers are colours.
1. Likely lost heart. (4)
2. Sounds like they are mobilised. (7)
3. Murray goes after little brother. (5)
Any help greatly appreciated. Thank you....
1.Sounds like streets in Lancashire. (6) The answer must have the name of a container in it, e g bag, dish, jar etc. 2.Sounds like a high-pitched cry of pain (5) This a answer is the name of an...
I am stuck with this last clue. 1. Could be a sleeping implement (10) The answer is either Flora. Fauna or Farming. I have seen it answered as nightshade but can't connect that to the clue.Many thanks...
All the answers are either flora, fauna or farming. 1.Sounds like a brown sound (7) 2.Could be a sleeping implement(10) 3.Material without a drink and religious festival (11) Any help will be...
The answers are common names of wild british flowers, plants, or shrubs.
1.Flatter someone to excess whilst keeping a cold front. (9)
2.An ocean of salmon (3 4)...
1.Heidi and Peter could probably hear (8) 2.A word meaning finest (7) 3. Wicked & Cruel(9) All the answers must contain one of the following words. Bell,Mary, Eve, Ox, Ash, Lamb, Deer, Tree, Crib,...
1. Process of launching a financial enterprise. (9) 2.Division into parts of a country. (9) 3. The process of an assembly to conduct business. (7) 4. The process of making equal.(8) All the answers...
I am stuck with three questions, any help will be appreciated.
1. Three chances to go wrong here (9 )
2. Taking a risk can bring one ( 8 )
3. You need many at elections (8 ) Thank you....