29d ) Reverse side of coin without king or queen , perhaps (5) . I have ” woman” But can’t parse.
34d) Old artist, no saint, in the ascendant (4) Aged? Again can’t parse.
Thanks , in advance....
3d) Mistakenly a bird adores men - she’s betrayed by a fortune teller (3,3,5,3 ). I know it is an anagram of “a bird adores men” but can ‘t get anything to fit .Thanks....
40a) via the rear passagecin college entrance to exhibition may be ajar (6) ?rinc?
36d) India’s thorny growth after central Britain leaves chaos (4) ?a?...
Finished the crossword, found the phrase and tried to 3 it using 20,3 but don’t understand how to get the 5,5 result. Can someone give me a little hint? Thank you....
Last two. 32d) Dresses from Arabia Rachel has? (6)A?rags
35d)Doomed to receive cut grass (5 , two words) ?n?ir.
Think maybe some of my letters are wrong. Thanks....
The definition might contain a misprint.19a) Group interested in birth of river boat (4) r?o?.
20d)/Traveller wanting public transport finds new port (6) ?ol?mn...