29a Having no idea what I want to do after retirement (8) I am pretty sure the answer is CLUELESS as it fits everything else but I just cannot see what it has to do with the retirement part of the...
16d Fine - wring clue (9) M?N?SCULE miniscule or minuscule?
4a Softest of shots, nothing to catch (10) S?U???I?S?
14d Word-perfect? Great to include noun (9) ????R???E...
1a Pair involved in speech, quietly retreating, finding fault with it (4) ?I?P
24a Not qualified to give order to film executive (4) R???
22d Space in temple where star is pointed towards heaven...
Last two! 10a s?o??? English magistrate approves returning foreign capital. 8d M???r/?e Press turning up on Scottish islands releasing new series of notes. Thought on major or minor key but can't work...
Any ideas for last 2.
20a Perfect present from US private gallery with paper wrapping.(4,4) ?o?s ?i?T
27a Boy under mother's skirts (6) D?R?O? can't help thinking something is wrong....
And I thought I was doing so well! 1across. Clue: Confused setter's headed west due to change in platform (5-2). I have: ????D ?P. In case it's relevant, the setter is that nice Mr. Dean Mayer...
4D What restraint serving steak tartare should,t offer? I have Raw Deal is this right and why? 9A. Empty Viscount,s not entirely antique type of aircraft. I have Vtol is this correct Any help would be...
13dn Tip denied baseball official (6,4) ?e?u? ?u?? 19dn No 1 position whichever way you look at it (3,4) t?p ?e?? 21dn Right and wrong stitch (4) ?I?d 26ac Underground support for power in points? Not...
Has no one done today's crossword or is it too easy? Not for me....stuck 4d (6,1,7) held a demonstration with foreign despot as target 16d (8) chapter. On mob after second game 1d attempt to secure...
Help on a few please 9a I am filling in for top player (5) R?I?O {rhino ????} 8d Supply 21 street lights (4,4,2) s??? F??? T? 25a mister bob hope (7) s?R???R 26a Now entering races-nothing to it...
There should be a law against Dean Mayer! Please someone kickstart me again with 3d Character brought to life via digital animation (5,6) and 4d Very tough pitch had to restrict runs (4-4). Many...
13ac Suffer verbal abuse, like a stranger on a bus
I thought it was "be told where to get off", but the word for get has 4 letters! Any advice, please...
21a central characters in December's traditional cheer (8) e?b???e?
27a RAC competitor contracted this girl (4) ??e?
22d Just hurry up! (5) ??e??
Brain not working today. 14a a trip through the kraals abandoned in arid plateau -a-a-a-- ---e-t (8,6) 17a Response to jokes that shouldn't go stale? ----e- l------- (6,8) Can you include parsing so I...
last two
23a Aftr ill issued, huge sums showin items wth a charge (4) b-n-
27aOne at 16 runs away, a social misfit (4)
A big thanks to whoever can help me...