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I have a Belling Touchtronic hob which I clean regularly with Hob-Brite. However I have several scratches on it and wondered if anyone knew of a scratch remover for hobs. Thank you.
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This is a yong tree about 8ft. tall. It is its second year. The leaves have started going brown at the edge and curling up. Does it have a disease?
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Does anyone have the answer to 1Down. I think the second word may be forward but other than that I am stumped. Have done all the rest.
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29a) THis person lives in loft, getting poorfinally and .....
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What is the best cheese to use for cheese on toast so it comes up bubbly and golden brown?
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Have any of you ever won the Sunday Express, Mail on Sunday or Daily Express prize crosswords?
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Is the monday crossword always the hardest? Stuck on 8a Sends back prisoner - Mothers in tears (7) 14a Complaints worrying;upset,took year out,married (8)
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gaped or burst open (of a pod or seed-vessel)
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Can anyone help me with this one? my nails always seem to grow quite nice but once they get past the tips of my fingers they either split or break off! I've tried so many products that are supposed to...
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My strawberry plants have been in for a year. I now wish to move them to another part of the veg. plot. When would be a good time for transplanting?
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Have only ever cooked it once and a lot of it stuck together when I strained it. What did I do wrong. Any suggestions please.
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Can anyone recommend any effective way using household items to remove cooking grease from painted tiles (proper tile paint - not emulsion). I have tried vinegar and lemon juice but neither of these...
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Anybody got any ideas why my dishwasher smells like wet dogs!! Its not all the time, I have tried different tablets but this doesnt seem to make any difference, unloading straight away (not leaving...
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A fish cooked by a new city IS-A-A-
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7a test about whams first hit ...??A? 7d offhand son over country .....??R?A have come to a mental block ........HELP

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