Does anyone else HATE that horrible talking meerkat when he prattles on about some kind of insurance - I always try to switch the sound of before it starts but now it is on the radio as well -...
I have been sent an attachment to an email which when I download goes to a zip file and will then only let me print as a photo which I do not have the correct printer for yet. Can I save this as a...
I have broadband via my landline but I have just noticed that a light has appeared on my laptop against an icon which I think indicates wifi connection......any ideas please? As I'm sure you can tell...
Last weeks repeat eggheads ended at ?59000 on thursday and no friday eggheads, then monday started a new series at ?14000. Any idea if the rollover from the ?59000 was broadcast or wil be broadcast?...
The answers all relate to the 1970's. Turned up for his medal 4 years late. Name of the bumper issue in Cape Town in 1974'. Upwardly mobile 276556-13. Start and end of a flight. Conflict for the...
Singers or groups :- Produced O2e. Change at Franklin Street Subway Station. Songs:- Trendy in the feline world. Marc's lead mentor? Qelemumu is an example of this. Hop on a 49 bus to go.... Many...
Anagram of either a hat (H) or shoe/boot (S/B) 1. SHINIESTGROAN (s/b) 2. STABLEPLUMP (s/b) 3. GONNATELL (h) 4. RADIATIONMAD (h) 5. GORILLAADDSSATAN (s/b)
I think it's nearly time for me to go soon. I'll stay for another few more minutes,and then I will have to depart and sign out.I've had a busy day with mowing two lawns then raking them and chopping...
In this clip, Drew Barrymore is just a spare part. It turns into a shoot-out between Cameron and Lucy. I think Lucy just shades it. And how does she do it in those SHOES ???...