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I need a good book to read for my personal study in higher english and i just don't know what to go for. I've considered "Of Mice and Men," "Jane Eyre", The Da Vinci Code" and countless others....
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If the universe is infinite / wraps around on itself why is the sky at night only pinpricked by stars not completely bright? There must be a star everywhere we look in the sky, even if it is...
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Can someone tell me about Roehampton? I believe it has no rail link.?
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I'm quite sure that myriad other definitions exist, but it feels that they all make something out of nothing:Point: a place in space with zero dimensions, shape, size, or extension (0D)Line: an...
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Isn't it amazing that even in the 21st Century, miracles can still be worked with a pair of plyers and a hacksaw blade?
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You may have had this topic before - but...The movie Troy was soooo innacurate it was unbelieveable!! Its was 'inspired' by Homer's Illiad apparently. The mistakes are as follows...1) Agamemnon doesnt...
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In a recent Radio 4 programme Jonathan Miller and Richard Dawkins discussed how termites build their mounds.   It was suggested that each termite had a simple rule such as if you find one...
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Hello people, i am looking for some recommends for Alternative History novels please, not fantasy thankyou
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What do you think has been the best book to film adaptations over the years, and what has been the worst?
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If the order of succession was by primogeniture, how come that Claudius became the king? Shakespeare doesn't suggest that Claudius usurped the throne. What kind of the succession order...
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Can anybody tell me about the music from Dead Calm and where I can get it from???????
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We've talked about the best and most versatile actors and actresses. How about views on the ones that always get the same roles and are never stretched. Obvious answers include Arnie and Steven...
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What was the importance of D Day
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A rather old one (late sixties or early seventies, it sounded like Long John Baldry) with refrain something like "Sun's gonna shine through". Any idea?
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Have just bought a car with a Cd player in and want to compile some CDs for listening whilst driving on my own.  Any suggestions welcome,(apart from heavy metal or country).  Ta
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Any idea where to find this obscure text (or what is left of it), that is: St Cyril of Jerusalem: "A Sermon (Homily) on the Pool of Bethesda."?
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What has caused the deaths of approximately half the human beings who have ever lived? Not including "old age "!
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Jacques Chirac has reportedly made a series of insulting comments about Britain to the German and Russian leaders, at the G8. Apparently, he said that the only thing UK has brought to European farming...
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in the mind, in outer space or both ?
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does anyone know some good love songs (but not too soppy!) for example, aerosmith - dont wanna miss a thing bryan adams - everything i do

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