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please settle an augument for me,can you eat the pods off sweet peas
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how do i get my bath spotless its all streaky and mucky
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How can I remove hair spray from my glasses? It is like looking through a frosted window. Many thanks!
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Why do we put X to represent a kiss? It seems just to be a thing in English, I haven;t seen any other languages use it. Is it just a British convention? Why do we choose X and not, say, k for example?
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My dyson is making a horrible noise when being pushed around,its ok on one pile setting but on the other the one that picks up best,it makes a horrid noise its a dc14 animal,and no negative remarks...
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how can i stop my shoe squeaking every time I take a step? It is the actual shoe and not the contact with the ground that does it
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Hi, my friend has been homeless for a while but staying with friends, now the hospitality has run out and she has no where to go. I can't help her because i just about have a roof over my head as it...
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Just went to get my steamer out to do the hall carpet and i think i must have left some water in it last time,ages and ages ago,cos its full of limescale,cant get no water into the little hole to fill...
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how would i tell if the lava lamp i picked up from the local tip is an original? it looks oldish, and has a heavy tripod base with mathmos stamped on the base. the base is silvery coloured.
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how do you clean a dusty matress
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Can somebody please help me and my husband out as we can not remember all the continents !!! Ignorant I know, we think there are seven ,if anybody could name them we would be grateful, Thanks .
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Just moved in to a new house this weekend and some of the kitchen cupboards had mould inside them. Cleaned this all off and every trace of it has gone but they still really smell of mould - its...
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I have recently been diagnosed with this and i wonder if anyone else who has it could tell me if there is a proprietry brand of breakfast cereal i can eat.thankyou
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Before anyone goes all serious on me this is a light hearted thread and I do not plan to do any of these!! I was reading a fictional book the other day and in it the woman who discovered her hubby was...
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Yesterday a friend of mine asked if I was going to in at Dinnertime as he was going to call round, "yes" I said. Yesterday I was out from 10am until around 4pm and home in time for dinner between 6pm...
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Why is a weather vane so called when it indicates direction (North, east, south, west) and not weather??
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What is it? I have tried looking for a list, I rthink Bridgwater would probably have topped it but not sure.
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Right well basically me and my girlfriend want to go away for a few days in august to either scotland or northen ireland (flying) and well i have photo ID (provisional) that i have used before and my...
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A friend of mine is getting married. The guests are being given picnic baskets. She's just been let down by someone who was lending her 20 sets of small salt and pepper pots. Does anyone know where I...
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mnko est/

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